The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die in us while we live

- Norman Cousins -

TaraSoma is built from the Tamasheq (Tuareg) word tara [ⵜⵔ] – Love, and the Greek word soma, which refers to “the body living in its wholeness”.

At TaraSoma we will invite you to love the full experience of what it means to be of Life, and to reconnect with the deep wells of wisdom and power that are available to you when you welcome you body in its wholeness, and learn how to listen to it beyond the legacies of trauma, conditioning and convention. 

TaraSoma aims to create brave spaces for adults to practice safely others ways of being, perceiving and relating. Our coaching, courses and communal spaces center restorative imagination, liberatory connections and regenerative action. There is no recipe, no quick fixes or magic pills to becoming whole, equitable, inclusive, hospitable and regenerative, when we’ve been socialized in systems of deficiency,  inequity, exclusion and exploitation. Only the honest quest for what brings us back to Life, and the relentless practice of better futures, from the ground of our bodies and up into all of our relations. 

We but mirror the world.
All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.

- Mahatma Gandhi -

so tell me, what is your quest ?

All of our coaching offerings seamlessly integrates somatics, social justice and regenerative leadership, but differ in whether the focus is individual (post-traumatic growth), relational, or nodal (leadership). 

Somatic Coaching

How do I carry my (hi)story in my body?

How much of it is chosen, necessary, enlivening?

What is the burden? Where is the gem? 

How do I want to carry it forward?

Somatic coaching brings you back to the first land of your body, and to its native language – aliveness. It will help you connect with the tremendous intelligence of your trauma adaptations and conditionings, but also build range and choice around them, for the sake of what you long to embody.

Relationship Coaching

How do I carry my (hi)story in this relationship?

How do I ‘do’ conflict? How do I ‘do’ power?

What is the cost?

And what is the longing?

Relationship coaching allows you to explore together how you were shaped by your relational histories. And help you see how conflict is an invitation to harmony, and the skills to transform it into a well of creative and generative bounty for your  partnership.

1:1 or 1:team
Leadership coaching

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